Here we share some inspirational stories from our team members (past and present) sharing what is like to be part of the King family. The insights, tips and also challenges one may experience.


Life working for a busy production company — read the stories of our alumnis as they share their insights, challenges and milestones at King Sound Reinforcement in series of the interviews.

It’s always inspiring to hear from those at the top of the tree — the ones who have achieved all their goals but taking the time to read the stories of the company’s actual employees can be incredibly valuable: they have been where you have been, may have experienced similar things and are willing to share their wisdom with you.

Not everyone finds entering the world of work easy, some apply for numerous roles and face rejection, others start on the wrong path and have to change direction and it’s reassuring to know that this has happened to others and they have still triumphed in the end. These stories are packed full of advice about what to do if you encounter any of these hurdles – they are positive, motivational and really useful – we hope you make most of the advice and enjoy the read!


‘‘Be prepared to work hard but the seeing the results make it all worth it! Support those around you as working together well is the only way the job gets done to the ‘King standard’.’’


‘‘ Being keen is the most significant piece of advice; you must show that you are willing to learn to advance in your career. ‘‘


‘‘ Ask questions and make it obvious what you want to learn… then make the most of the opportunities. ‘‘