We are pleased now to include videography services as a part of our Full Production package. Let us tell your story through unique and dynamic video content which conveys your message.
Whether it is event coverage, testimonial, social media video or a promotional film, we can work with you to create a compelling and personalised video, or stream your show live.
81% of businesses use video as a marketing tool (Hubspot, 2020) and the trend is growing as 6 out 10 people would rather watch online videos than TV (Google).
Video is a great way to:
promote your project
increase sales
showcase your services
engage new customers
enhance your social media presence
We work with a range of businesses, covering both B2B and B2C models. We love getting to know our clients as well as working with you various projects to achieve your goals. There’s no such thing as a too small or big assignment, get in touch to discuss your requirements or simply ask a question. We’ll be happy to advise best format for your video as well as suggest some creative ideas!
Creative brief
Effective video is all about storytelling, so our aim is to educate, communicate and engage with your audience online. For that, we’ll try and learn as much as possible about your brand / business before we start shooting. But worry not, we will guide you through the whole process ensuring the required result is delivered.
Full technical support
Next stage is preparing the site, we can travel to your location, or we are happy to do some work at our own company’s warehouse. We have plenty of space there as well as plethora of video, lighting and sound equipment on site, handy for achieving various effects. Our friendly and savvy Technical Crew is there at every stage of the process as well, with everyone taking their role very seriously.
Using the best of modern technology we are able to film live using multiple cameras, mix and stream live your project whilst capturing footage and pristine multi-tracked audio for editing or archiving after.
Post production is probably most exiting part of the process as we look and select the best video pieces for maximum impact. We also deliver excellent, studio level, professional audio mix to upgrade your video’s sound. Our talented Creative Team is using various professional software in post production process so you can be sure, your video will look and sound amazing.

Great, we’d love to help with your next project!
Send us a message via the form below
or alternatively give us a call at:
+44 (0) 9556888 and we’ll take care of the rest! We look forward to taking your video to the next level.